Home > Artworks > Marie Hélène Blois

Photo of Marie Hélène Blois Argentina

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39.37 x 39.37 in
0.43 x 0.35 in
0.16 x 0.16 in
0.24 x 0.31 in
0.39 x 0.31 in
0.16 x 0.16 in
70.87 x 39.37 in
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He was born on February 9, 1954 in Buenos Aires, (Martinez), having studied in the city of Esquel (Chubut) where he lived 16 years and then settled in the city of Buenos Aires where he currently lives

artistic training - the start was in the year 1995:

1995 - Universidad Popular de Belgrano with Professor María Angélica Politti

1996/98 - Centro Cultural Borges, human figure with Professor Monica Guerrero

1997/2000 - Recoleta Cultural Centre with Professor Jorge Eduardo Medici Meijide

0in 0pt "> 2000 - Workshop with master Gorriarena

2001/2003 - Workshop Héctor Medici

2005 - Workshop Eduardo Medici

2006/2010 - Marcela Baubeau of Secondigne Workshop


1995 - Universidad Popular de Belgrano

1997 - Centro Cultural Recoleta

1998 - Centro Cultural Recoleta

1999 - Belgrano Athletic Club

1999 - Gallery "Loft Espacio Alfa"

1999 - Restaurant Shooting

2000 - Centro Cultural Recoleta

2000 - Restaurant Shooting

12pt "> 2001 - Bridge Center Recoleta

2002 - Belgrano Athletic Club

2003 - Modena Desing

2007 - Recova

2008 - Recova

2008 - Expo 2008 Trastienda

2009 - Country Code

2009 - Konex

2009 - Knowledge Centre - Posadas, Misiones

2010 - Espacio 10 Art Gallery

The artist Maria Elena began his training under the guidance of great masters to continue their self intuition crossing courses, workshops and exhibitions to deepen several different techniques. On that trip mysterious art known to enjoy the variety: drawing, painting, sculpture, and now rests in his boat in the intriguing artistic side of the Recycling and painting


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I dedicate all my exposure to my father who was my great inspiration

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